Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Teddy Bears Go Blogging" Response

After reading the article "Teddy Bears Go Blogging", I learned a very interesting way in which blogging can be used in an appropriate manner in the classroom. The article is written by a teacher who uses a blend of Internet, global participation and collaboration to help improve her students interactive writing skills. In on particular project, her classroom (in Canada) worked cooperatively with another classroom from Australia. The classrooms exchanged teddy bears with each other, and would blog about the different experiences, places and activities that the bears participated with. eventually the students were given an opportunity to blog both from school, and home to post and respond to the blog.

Initially, I was somewhat skeptical of this project. However, after reading the safety measures that were taken, I have a much more positive perspective of this great idea. The teacher placed safety measures such as reviewing all comments and posts before they were published on the blog. this taught the students safe Internet usage, and prevented any inappropriate material from being shared.

I love the idea of being able to safely use the Internet/blogging in the classroom! Not only is the Internet extremely useful in motivating students, but it also allows the teacher(s) so teach skill such as safe Internet usage, and Internet skills in general.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your reactions to the project. By the way, I have already read the article so you don't have to summarize it, but I am interested in reading how you might (or might not) incorporate this into your own classroom and what your thoughts about the value of this are.
